Monday, December 11, 2006

Pulau Ubin

Pulau Ubin was the first of Singapore’s islands to be named after a variety of rice back in 1923. Basmati Ubin and Egg Fried Ubin soon followed.
Pulau Ubin gives a taste of what Singapore used to be like before becoming ‘developed’ and ‘Westernised’. The inhabitants of the island live in small huts called Kampongs. There are no supermarkets and very few motor vehicles are allowed on the island. Caillie and I rented some bicycles for the day for about £2, which seemed reasonable. We needed to save money after the trip from the main island on a bumboat, which had set us back about… err… 70p.
The cycle routes are mainly tarmacked roads, but there are a few dirt tracks. Towards the end of our two and a half hours of almost solid cycling, we managed to find a dirt track which was nearly flooded. It is monsoon season in Singapore. This means that most afternoons there is a fairly heavy downpour. I think calling it a ‘monsoon’ is a bit over the top though. On this particular day, the ‘monsoon’ had occurred in the morning, when we were cycling, and now we were forced to cycle through the mud and water. The man at the bicycle hire shop summed it up with his comment, “Ooh, bit dirty”.
We rushed back to the main island with its civilised developed Western ways and then on to Kuala Lumpur.


Blogger MattandJules said...

We are in Rockhampton. You may be right about the cricket.

7:30 am  
Blogger Kyra's travel said...

Sounds like you're having a great time. I will be in Singapore for a couple of days and so will probably follow your advice regarding the sightseeing bus. Hope you found a good lawyer in Singapore...

1:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gaz man!!! so glad your having a bonza time! hope your having loads of tinnies, and have been putting a few shrimps on the barbie! fishers is missing you like crazy dude. SENSIBLE ARMY!

10:46 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gaz Man!

How's it going.

Can you tell me, if i bought some computer equipment in May 2003 what capital allowances would i get?

Come on Monty!!!!

10:51 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gazmeister, the next time i take an organic chemistry exam, i shall be completely confident.

11:08 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You're not going to believe this...A client has just called with quite a complex corporation tax question. Nobody here knows the answer and Richard Wood has suggested that i contact you. He said to spend no longer than 37.5 hours tackling it. Here we go:

A company called Newco has been disposed by Oldco and thereby leaving a capital gains group, with a significant number of assets which have previously been transferred at NG/NL. Only 4 years has passed since the transfer meaning that degrouping charges will arise. The client would like to roll these over against the purchase of a new farm in East Devon. However, the new farm has too many pigs to qualify for 100% FYA's. Therefore, the owner has deciced to try and claim an election which will turn these pigs (for tax purposes) into hens. This will allow a 100% FYA claim, but s393 may thwart this. As a result, the client wishes to purchase a securitisation purpose vehicle to roll over the degrouping charges and claim back the tax on interest earned by deferring capital allowances until 2010. If necessary, group relief may apply and an s72 claim could ensure optimal use of group losses. So my question is this:

If the pigs are turned into hens, will the degrouping charge rollover election mean that group relief is void following s393, withstanding an S72 claim, which might come to fruition in the event of a hive down?

Hope you're having a good time but remember your responsibilities.

2:02 pm  

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