Thursday, February 14, 2008


For all you regular readers of my blog (you strange people!), I should probably introduce Vanessa to you. She's my lovely girlfriend. We've been seeing each other since the end of July. Before that point, we used to walk around with our eyes closed.

November and December is a busy time for me with birthdays - my sister, me, and my Dad all have birthdays around this time.

Amanda's - my sister - birthday is first, and we spent a fun day in London. In the morning, we went to Borough Market. I'd never been there before, but spent an enjoyable few hours wandering around. It sells all kinds of unusual (and some usual) foods. As I love my foods, I was happy. Especially as there are plenty of free samples to be picked up. I left with some ostrich sausages and some exotic mushrooms.

We then looked at a large crack in the Tate Modern. It's a big hole in the floor which is no doubt meant to represent something particularly deep. By which I mean profound.

Then we saw the First Emperor Exhibition in the British Museum, which included some small number of the Chinese Terracotta Army. I found it particularly interesting, as I know very little about ancient China. Vanessa has some Chinese heritage, so she was fascinated.

And then we finished off the day with some pancakes. Amanda loves pancakes and when she found there was a restaurant where she could manage to have one for a main course as well as for a dessert, she booked it immediately! Unfortunately, because the day was so long, and everyone was tired, and the main course pancake was quite big, she could not manage to follow through with the pre-meal plan. She had to miss out on the dessert pancake!

And then it was my birthday a few weeks later. I was celebrating a significant number and so I spent the day itself at home with family, then had a large party in an old man's pub on the Saturday. I like old men's pubs! It was a really good evening, and my friends had all signed embarrassing photos of me (sadly there aren't many other sorts of photos of me!) for a montage Pol had prepared. It was a very touching gift - and really professionally done too! Sadly, Vanessa was sick at this time, so I couldn't introduce her to all my friends. I think she's met most of them now though!

And then it was my Dad's birthday, which meant a mid-week trip home in December for some more family time.

And while I'm talking about birthdays - Matt, I'm sorry.


Blogger Pol said...

Ah, it's been far too long. Hope you get better soon.

10:05 pm  
Blogger MattandJules said...

I'm not sure I'm quite ready to comment

11:27 am  

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