Thursday, January 22, 2009

Weddings and cricket

My 2008 could be summed up in two words, if you believe my work colleagues. See if you can guess what they are from the title of this blog post. I suppose maybeyou could say my 2008 could be summed up in three words if you include 'and' as a word which, in most people's book (including Dr. Johnson's book, for which I offer him my most enthusiastic contrafibularities), it probably is. Those two words are 'weddings' and 'cricket'.

In 2008 I attended a mere (magnificent) seven weddings, and missed out on another as it was on the same day as another of the seven.

And then I went to Test Cricket at Old Trafford,Lords and the Oval, Twenty20 cricket at the Oval, an international one-day match at... you've guessed it... the Oval. I didn't think that was that much cricket really. Especially given that at Lords I saw a total of 57 balls and 21 runs, lots of rain and the FA Cup Final on the cricket scoreboard. And then at the Oval Test I saw about 22 overs, lots of rain, the inside of the pavilion and the Surrey cricket club museum.

I'm sure though that, despite what my colleagues think, I did some other things over the course of last year, like... umm... errr.......

Like Stag Dos for some of the seven weddings, and a trip to Singapore, and lying in bed for two weeks with glandular fever, a handful of 30th birthday parties. I even managed to take some breaks from my busy social life and spend some time with Vanessa. Ahhh sweet.