Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Australia vs New Zealand

Now I'm fully expecting everyone to ask the question, "Which is better, Australia or New Zealand?"

I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it's very silly, but here are a few things I have noticed whilst in the two countries:

  • Australians are very good at abbreviating, especially the double abbreviation of the Melbourne Cricket Ground via 'MCG' to 'The G'.
  • New Zealand has the craziest rule on the road ever invented - if you are approaching a crossroads and want to turn right, and there is a car coming towards you which wants to turn left, they have to let you go first. Providing, of course, there isn't another car coming towards you which is going straight on, and providing that the car turning left isn't another foreigner who doesn't know the rule.
  • New Zealand scenery is beautiful. Australia's isn't too bad either.
  • Townsville in Northern Queensland is not a very interesting place.
  • Public transport in cities in Australia is very good - buses in Brisbane and Perth, trams/buses in Melbourne, trains / underground/ ferries /buses in Sydney. New Zealand public transport is pretty much non-existent.
  • New Zealand likes to have large city boundaries for its cities. Dunedin is apparently the fifth biggest city in the world by area (Wikipedia has it down in 27th place, which is still fairly impressive), even though its city centre is far smaller than most cities I've ever been to. This is mainly because we passed a sign saying that we were entering the city about an hour before we got to the centre. And Auckland has the same area as Greater London.
  • Australia has a fine collection of big things - the Big Pineapple was the best. New Zealand also has big things scattered throughout the countryside, but it just doesn't advertise them as widely.
  • Australia is beginning to understand 'soccer', and the fans even sang a few songs (all of them taken from English chants). They rarely sang anything at the cricket. The Kiwis did not even get excited during the rugby match we saw.
  • Australian beer is generally terrible. They pride themselves on serving it 'ice cold', but this is mainly so they can't taste it. James Squire was nice enough, and the Lord Nelson in Sydney served some proper beers, but that was it. New Zealand on the other hand has some very good ales, some of which were served at almost the right temperature.
  • Aussies think that outdoor gas hotplates constitute barbeques. So do Kiwis.
  • We had some very good meals in Oz, especially in Sydney. New Zealand probably does have nice restaurants, we just didn't find many. That was mainly because we were in the pubs instead, sampling the decent beer. NZ does however serve proper curries, which Oz doesn't do. This could be because Australia doesn't have many Indians, Bangladeshis and Pakistanis.
  • Kiwis invented rolling down a hill inside an inflatable ball with water in it.
  • I wish we'd been in Oz when they lost to England in the one-day internationals. I get the impression they're fairly bad losers!
  • Both Australia and New Zealand have very good wines. The Margaret River area in Western Australia was my favourite.
  • Australia has a number of animals which can kill you. Fortunately we didn't meet any of them - the crocodile, the snake or the redback spider, but we did meet all sorts of insects which wanted to bite us and cause us to come up with lumps and boils and spots. New Zealand doesn't have anything nasty at all.
  • Australia also has a large number of bizarre animals which couldn't have evolved anywhere else - the kangaroo, the koala, the quokka, the duck-billed platypus. New Zealand has the kiwi, which is pretty weird. Other than that, it's got lots of sheep.


Blogger Caillie Evans said...

Gaz, I disagree, NZ has sandflies which are pretty darned nasty when they decide to turn on you!
Enjoy the states

3:05 am  

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